21 September 2010

A fab YouTube lesson on Iambic Pentameter

I know that you are working hard on your sonnet and on placing your best insights and ideas into iambic pentameter. I can't wait to see what you come up with. I did a little research on iambic pentameter myself tonight and found the google to be very full of help. Or at least able to give me plenty of links.

For the record, the words "iambic pentameter how to" yielded a scary 229,000 results.

This 2-minute quickie youtube video is from the Kennedy Center and pretty helpful.

Fortunately I found a still better work of strange genius by a high school senior out there somewhere in America. Its 5 minutes will not waste your precious time. In fact, I can pretty much promise you will enjoy.

As for tomorrow's handouts, I have emailed them to your addresses. My attempt at blackboard failed.

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